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Putting it together - my last post!

This is my last post!  After hours of practice, I have produced my final product- playing Redemption Song by Bob Marley.

In the end

Here is my finalized goal tracker. Most items took a little longer to complete than I had initially estimated.  In the end, I was not able to play the full song smoothly, but I do plan to continue working on it after this course!  As an additional win, I had listed an optional "stretch" goal to learn to read guitar tab, and I am happy to say that I partially completed this goal.

My completed goal tracker
Another bi-product of this project is the huge amount of respect that I have gained for musicians:  they are able to play songs seamlessly transitioning between single notes and and chords, sometimes while singing or coordinating with other band members ... in front of a crowd of people - incredible!

Thanks for reading my blog!

All the best,
